
Throughout the years of human evolution we have lost touch with nature. Medicine in the early years was herbs and acupuncture depending on the geographical area of the world. Thousands of years of using these methods of healing have only recently evolved into modern medicine composing mostly of pharmaceutical agents. There is a time and a place for pharmaceuticals; however, in most cases we underestimate the body’s ability to heal itself sometimes with a gentle push from nature.


Clinical Nutrition

NutritionNutrition is essential to a balanced lifestyle. What one puts into their body reflects on ones overall wellbeing. Nutrition has gained traction in the field of research and much of what is recommended has been evidence based. There are two approaches to be considered: First is to get the required nutrition through whole foods, and second is supplementation. One is not exclusive of the other. There are certain cases where supplementation is required to bring an individual to balance, it is then important to maintain that balance by eating well. The whole foods approach is always beneficial because the many compounds in food such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc. work in synergy. Specific compounds have been researched to have a targeted effect in biochemical pathways. In order to obtain such specific compound in the therapeutic dose, one may have to eat excessive amount of food to get to the effective dose. This is where supplementation can greatly benefit an individual.

Nutritional medicine can be used in many areas of health some of which include:

  • Sports Enhancement
  • Cancer prevention
  • Cardiovascular disease prevention
  • Female hormonal concerns
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Fertility
  • Pregnancy


Developed in the early 1800s by a German medical doctor named Samuel Hahnemann. Homeopathic remedies are derived from infinitesimally small doses of substances such as plants, fungi, animals, or minerals; that are diluted many times, where the actual chemical components cannot be detected but the energetic properties remain. This is a nontoxic and safe form of energetic healing that stimulates the body’s innate ability to health itself rather than suppress symptoms. Homeopathy is very individualistic and requires extensive detail of the symptoms and emotions experienced by the patient to determine the correct remedy. Homeopathy can be a powerful, although gentle, form of medicine that can address both acute and chronic concerns.

Botanical Medicine

Bot Med

Herbs as medicine have been used by people all around the world since prehistoric times. Scientific literature has studied the therapeutic effects of herbs by isolating chemical constituents; however, great amount of knowledge from over thousands of years of traditional uses by indigenous people, Chinese, and ancient Ayurveda practices in India help in the understanding of many herbs as well.

Herbs can be used in two methods, one method is by using the isolated active ingredient for a targeted approach and the second is by using the whole herb as it contains multiple chemical constituents that have a harmonious overall positive effect on the body. Many pharmaceutical drugs have been derived by isolating compounds from plants, for example, aspirin’s active ingredient is salicylic acid originally derived from willow tree bark – now synthetically manufactured. Herbs can be prescribed in multiple different forms: food, tea, tincture (alcohol extraction), decoction, capsule, table, and syrup; topically as salve, oil, cream, lotion, poultice, and compress.RCF_3092

Chiropractic Manipulation

Cervical ManipHands on adjustments of structural misalignment that may arise from muscular tensions most commonly due to repetitive stress on the body such as poor posture, sports and/or work related injuries. Chiropractic manipulation also addresses neuromuscular concerns or functional imbalances in the body. Acupuncture, massage, and hydrotherapy may be used in conjunction with manipulation to address the muscular tensions prior to adjustments if it is indicated.

Other specific concerns that improve with chiropractic manipulations are as follows:

  • Asthma/COPD
  • Headaches
  • Decreased range of motion
  • Numbness/Tingling
  • Back Pain

Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture

Yintang Acu

Chinese Medicine has been part of the Chinese culture for more than 5,000 years. It is based on balance and energy circulation through channels, called meridians. Acupuncture is part of Chinese Medicine that involves the insertion of fine sterile needles into specific points throughout the body that cause stimulation to specific organs, nervous systems, or local area thus allowing flow of energy when there is blockages or work to balance when there is an imbalance in the body. Other aspects of Traditional Chinese Medicine include cupping, Chinese herbs, and auricular (ear) acupuncture/pressure points.

There is great amount of evidence supporting the therapeutic benefit in various conditions including:

  • Low Back Pain
  • Addiction including Smoking Cessation
  • Menstrual Concerns
  • Fertility
  • Musculoskeletal Injuries
  • Headaches/Migraines
  • Stress/Anxiety/Depression
  • Stroke